刘易斯探案:爱情哲学(豆瓣 8.8分

原名:Lewis: And the Moonbeams Kiss the Sea


主演:凯文·沃特利  汤姆·莱利  山姆·亚历山大  劳伦斯·福克斯

上映日期:2008-02-24(英国)  片长:92分钟   英国  类型:剧情 / 犯罪 / 悬疑



At first the murders of Reg Chapman, a handy man at the Bodleian Library and gambling addict, and Nell Buckley, a popular Art student, seem unrelated. However, it transpires that Chapmen stole parchment from the library upon which Nell and another student persuaded Philip, a brilliant, autistic young painter, to innocently forge letters by the poet Shelley for the international collectors' market. When both victims,for different reasons, threatened to expose the mastermind behind the scam, they were killed.

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