刘易斯探案:爱情尽头(豆瓣 8.4分

原名:Lewis: The Point of Vanishing


主演:劳伦斯·福克斯  佐伊·博伊尔  凯文·沃特利

上映日期:2009-03-07  片长:93分钟   英国  类型:剧情 / 犯罪 / 悬疑



Steven Mullan is found dead in his bathtub, the scalding water indicative of the white-hot rage that motivated the murder. Lewis recognizes Mullan as having been recently released from prison after having tried to kill celebrity atheist Tom Rattenbury while driving drunk. Mullan's sentence may be over, but have the scars healed for the Rattenburys, especially daughter Jessica who remains in a wheelchair from the incident?

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