雾中惊魂(豆瓣 6.2分

原名:Fog Over Frisco

编剧:Robert N. Lee

主演:玛格丽特·琳赛  贝蒂·戴维斯

上映日期:1934  片长:68 分钟   美国  类型:惊悚 / 悬疑



Arlene Bradford is the quintessential high society bad girl. She's spoiled by Everett Bradford, her indulgently wealthy San Francisco father, who's recently become totally disgusted by her irresponsible antics. She has little regard for the law and the company she keeps. She has her investment broker fiancé Spencer Carlton involved in a stolen bond racket and flirts with local gangster types including the notorious Jake Bellow. The senior Bradford becomes concerned when Arlene begins to involve her half-sister Valkyr in her shady and highly dangerous activities.

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