我所追逐的是爱情(豆瓣 8.3分

原名:It's Love I'm After

别名:我所追逐的是爱情 / 身后是爱

编剧:Maurice Hanline  凯西·罗宾逊

主演:奥利维娅·德·哈维兰  莱斯利·霍华德  贝蒂·戴维斯

上映日期:1937-11-20  片长:90 分钟   美国  类型:喜剧



Basil Underwood and Joyce Arden have postponed their marriage eleven times. Henry Grant's fiancée Marcia is infatuated with Basil. At Henry's request Basil acts boorishly so as to kill the infatuation, but it doesn't work and Marcia breaks her engagement with Henry. With Marcia about to announce her intentions vis-a-vis Basil, Joyce shows her pictures of children, apparently Basil's. Marcia goes back to Henry and Joyce decides she'd better tie Basil down soon.

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