宝城神灯(豆瓣 6.2分

原名:Volshebnaya lampa Aladdina

别名:宝城神灯 / 阿拉丁神灯

编剧:Grigori Yagdfeld

上映日期:1968-02-23  片长:USA: 84 分钟 / Germany: 69 分钟(vide   俄罗斯  类型:爱情 / 冒险 / 奇幻



Based on the same Arabian tale.
        An evil sorcerer-Maghribi appeals to the stars to tell him the name of the man who would find a magic lamp capable of performing miracles. Star replied: "It's Aladdin".
        In Baghdad, the Sultan's daughter lives, the beauty Budur. Anyone who dares to look at her, will be executed. But the willful and capricious princess makes Aladdin's take a look at it. The young man he saw the princess, so soon into it and fell in love. A magical genie lamp with the omnipotent, ready to execute any order master, helped Aladdin to keep your love and cope with Magribintsem.


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