海的女儿(豆瓣 7.7分


别名:小美人鱼 / The Little Mermaid / Rusalochka

导演:Vladimir Bychkov

编剧:Grigori Yagdfeld

主演:Valentin Nikulin

上映日期:1976-12-17  片长:Bulgaria: 84 分钟 / Soviet Union:   俄罗斯 / 保加利亚  类型:奇幻 / 家庭 / 歌舞



A live-action Czech film version of this story was made in 1979. The film was directed by Vladimir Bychkov. It starred Vyctoriya Novikova as the little mermaid and Yuri Senkevich as the prince.
        In this version, the mermaid does not have to give up her voice to the sea witch, but instead exchange her beautiful long hair for a pair of human legs. In order to return home to her family under the sea, someone has to kill the prince and/or sacrifice himself for her sake in which case she'll appear as only a memory to the prince while everyone else has forgotten she existed.

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