最后一个花园里的克莱尔·达林(豆瓣 6.2分

原名:Le dernier vide-grenier de Claire Darling


编剧:玛里埃特·黛塞尔  朱莉·波图赛利  索菲亚·菲力瑞斯

主演:凯瑟琳·德纳芙  约翰·雷森  基娅拉·马斯特洛亚尼  萨米尔·盖丝米  阿丽斯·塔格里奥妮

上映日期:2018-12-18(法国)   法国  类型:剧情



-To Verderonne, a small village of the l'Oise, It is the first day of the summer and Claire Darling wakes up persuaded to live her last day - She then decides to empty her house and is youlady.cc selling out everything without distinction, Tiffany lamps to the pendulum of collection. The objects both loved the echo of its tragic life and flamboyant. This last crazy fact return Mary, her daughter, that she has not seen for 20 years.

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