涌潮(豆瓣 7.0分





主演:尤利娅·卢梅阿勒  博格丹·杜米特拉克

上映日期:2017-09-26(圣塞巴斯蒂安) / 2018-01-19(罗马尼亚)  片长:152分钟   法国 / 罗马尼亚  类型:剧情



羅馬尼亞新浪潮導演康斯坦汀.波佩斯庫(Constantin POPESCU),2009年曾入選第62屆坎城影展一種注目單元。2017新作《咎愛心風暴》(Pororoca),描述一位父親因為女兒失蹤隨之而來的噩夢人生,生命的重心、婚姻裡的互信、甚至是道德和理性,都一步一步被這個悲劇吞噬。導演以敘事寫實,情節綿長而細膩的口吻,道出了為人父母者內心最深沉的恐懼。而2011年盧卡諾影帝波格登德拉凱(Bogdan Dumitrache),也透過父親一角由喜轉悲的高難度演繹,榮登2017聖賽巴斯蒂安影展最佳男演員。
        One sunny day at the park, five-year-old Maria and her brother Ilie are running around the busy playground. Dad Tudor drinks coffee and chats to the other parents. Everyone is keeping an eye out and yet, suddenly, the unthinkable happens: Maria is gone. Helpers are called in and do their utmost, but that evening Tudor and his wife Cristina are at home, devastated: their daughter has really disappeared.
        Constantin Popescu shows how disruptive grief and pain are by following Tudor for over two hours as the latter attempts to arrive at an answer. Is Cristina’s charming ex-colleague somehow involved? And who is that childless oddball at the park? Watching him disintegrate as blind desperation takes hold is soul-destroying. Popescu records all this with quiet, chilling distance using prize-winning actors and sure-footed camerawork that can be suddenly, intensely close at times.

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