泰克尔的奇迹(豆瓣 6.6分

原名:Miracolul din tekir

别名:The Miracle of Tekir

主演:埃琳娜·勒文松  博格丹·杜米特拉克  Dorotheea Petre

上映日期:2015-09-26(瑞士)  片长:90min   瑞士 / 罗马尼亚  类型:剧情



In the heart of the Danube Delta, superstition and religion are mixed together, like the earth and water that make up the mysterious mud from Tekir’s area, not far away. Chased away from her village because of her mysterious pregnancy, Mara finds herself employed at the Tekir Hotel, providing treatment for infertile women using this miraculous mud. As she meets the rich and eccentric Mrs. Lili, Mara questions her beliefs and intuitions. The relationship between the two women is the key of the miracle of Tekir, between magic and power, tradition and modernity.

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