哀恋的花(豆瓣 6.8分

原名:애련의 꽃송이

别名:A pitiful blossom


上映日期:   韩国  类型:剧情



Kim A-mi, who was separated from her family during the Korean War, works as a nurse. She gets close to Jo Hang, who is jobless after graduating from college. A-mi feels lonely and falls in love with him. She supports him financially, even paying his rent. He gets a job at a company owned by the father of a fellow school alumnus. His luck, in fact, is due to the influence of No Gyeong-hui, sister of his alumnus, who has a crush on him. With help from Gyeong-hui, he gets promoted rapidly and promises to marry her. Meanwhile, A-mi doubts the sincerity of the relationship between Jo Hang and Gyeong-hui, and finally learns that he plans to leave her and seek his own success.

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