流浪汉(豆瓣 6.5分




主演:文艺峰  王平

上映日期:   朝鲜  类型:剧情



Bok-yong works as a day laborer at a fish market and earns enough money to live through the cold, winter days. He returns to his hometown where his father and wife are waiting for him, only to find out that his father has been killed in a mysterious murder. When Bok-yong finds out that the murderer is Sam-soo, the barber who has had his eyes on Bok-yong's wife for a long time, Bok-yong saves his wife and kills Sam-soo. Bok-yong gets on a ferry with his wife to turn himself in at the town jail and his wife rows on with tears streaming down her face.

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