"Theatre Night" The Winslow Boy(豆瓣 5.4分

原名:"Theatre Night" The Winslow Boy

主演:艾玛·汤普森  伊恩·理查森  戈登·杰克逊  罗斯玛丽·莉琪

上映日期:1989  片长:147分钟   英国  类型:剧情



This is the 1989 British TV production of Terence Rattigan's play "The Winslow Boy". Very rare, not available on DVD that I am aware of. This production is the play, not a movie based on the play. The script is brilliant. All the action occurs in one room, and Rattigan cleverly conveys all that happens elsewhere through the dialogue of the persons in that room at one time or another. The acting is superlative.
        Set against the strict codes of conduct and manners of the age, The Winslow Boy is based on a father's fight to clear his son's name after the boy is expelled from Osborne Naval College for stealing a five-shilling postal order. To clear the boy's name was imperative for the family's honour; had they not done so, they would have been shunned by their peers and society. The boy's life would have been wrecked by the stain on his character.

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