小不点 电影版(豆瓣 5.7分

原名:Here Come the Littles


编剧:Heywood Kling  John Peterson

主演:Bettina Bush  Donavan Freberg  莫娜·马歇尔  Jimmy Keegan  哈尔·史密斯  格雷格·白尔杰  艾维·摩尔

上映日期:1985-05-24(美国)  片长:72分钟   美国 / 日本 / 法国  类型:动画 / 冒险 / 家庭



Henry's parents are lost in Africa, so he must live with his greedy and heartless Uncle Augustus. In the crevices of the house live the "Littles" kind, elf-like creatures. August enslaves Henry and wants to tear down his house to build a shopping center. Grandpa Little cares for Tom and Lucy, the Littles' children. Tom befriends a vicious cat by removing a splinter from his paw. After a series of adventures, the Littles and Henry get evidence of Augustus' plot to steal Henry's home. Augustus is arrested, the house is saved, and all ends well.

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