The Ideal Husband(豆瓣 7.0分

原名:The Ideal Husband

主演:珊提·洛瑞  Shirley Murdock  Bridgetta Tomarchio  杰基·哈里  金温纳  达林·德维特·汉森

上映日期:   美国  类型:家庭 / 歌舞



A couple is joyously expecting their first child, but a secret from the husband's past threatens to destroy their happiness. Tracey (Shanti Lowry), soon to be a new mother, is overjoyed at finally being able to have a child and prepares for a visit from her family for a big celebration. Her husband Devin (Darrin Dewitt Henson), sidelined from the NFL due to a football injury, is also elated while physically working to build up his strength to return to the game. Their world, despite their financial hardships, is a happy one until Tracey receives a visitor at her beauty shop that reveals a past indiscretion that makes her question, if her world is as happy and stable as she believes.

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