失落峡谷的黑猩猩(豆瓣 6.7分

原名:The Natural World: Chimps of the Lost Gorge

上映日期:2011-02-08(英国)  片长:60分钟   英国  类型:纪录片



A real-life drama about a family of chimps trapped in a lost world. They live in a deep and ancient forested gorge that runs though the African savanna and for fifteen years it has been cut off from the rest of the jungle, leaving the chimps imprisoned. Here, they face a daily life-or-death dilemma: whether to leave the safety of the gorge and venture into the predator-ridden savanna to find food, or face hunger. There's now only twenty of them left and as Brutus the alpha male loses his grip, can the family hold it together or is time running out for the Kyambura chimps?

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