Anatomy of the Tide(豆瓣 6.7分

原名:Anatomy of the Tide

主演:约翰·希亚  加布里埃尔·巴索  吉米-林·辛格勒  苏珊·泰勒  史宾塞·洛克  罗比·阿美尔

上映日期:   美国  类型:剧情



Three island boys, in their final summer of adolescence, look beyond an ocean that has incarcerated them since birth to plot their hopes and dreams. Dark secrets, fearful parents, and wealthy seasonal influences all combine into a recipe of tragedy and triumph. Anatomy of the Tide is exactly that -- a boy's lesson to his friends on how to jump the island's most dangerous cliff by understanding the sea which breathes beneath her rocks and a moon that controls the water. Written by Joel Strunk

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