昆5:批判麦子(豆瓣 6.0分


别名:KUN5 Criticizeing Mai Zi

上映日期:  片长:263分钟   内地  类型:None



        Wu Haohao starded to documment Mai Zi from April 2008,and ended in August 2009,the whole process was intermittent.With the time being Haohao-the film maker and Mai Zi-the being filmed are interacted each other,things were changing.The girl friend of Mai Zi became the girl friend of Wu Haohao.
        CV of Mai Zi: A Chinese in sick, the father of micro-philosophy,Farmer, geek, spirit director,
        band vocal,ex-boyfriend of Chun Shu, poor man,painter,poet,a lot of the tiles he has.
        导演阐述(Director’s Statement):
        I know him, and then know her, lately I fell in love with her.

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