大学城(豆瓣 5.8分


别名:School Town



上映日期:  片长:90分钟   内地  类型:剧情 / 动画



        Little Li is a doctorate student of economy at a university within the university town. He is suffering from insomnia, because of some trouble with his dormitory room-mate Old Zhou. Little Li is hoping for the school to let him change dormitories. But Old Zhou strangely disappears.....
        A meeting of former school-mates evokes old memories of love in Little Li, his ex-girlfriend Fang Hua reappears in his life. His best mate Dali You is suddenly faced with his company going bankrupt. The little sister, who's jobbing in the nearby city, will soon not be able to pay the rent anymore.....
        Confronted with kinship, friendship and love, Little Li hopes to resolve all these problems, but things always take an unexpected turn.....
        The university city is still peaceful and silent, welcoming the next day.....

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