冒牌货(豆瓣 5.3分


别名:冒牌货 / 施通克

主演:高兹·乔治  达格玛·曼泽尔  乌尔里希·穆埃  克里斯蒂亚娜·赫尔比格  乌韦·奥克森克内希特

上映日期:1992-03-12  片长:115 分钟   德国  类型:喜剧



Fritz is a falsifier drawing a picture of Eva Braun, the girlfriend of Adolf Hitler. He meets Hermann and tells him about some Nazi- material he knows about. Herrmann, working for a great German magazine, pays for everything he can get, and so Fritz starts to write "Hitlers private daybook". The story covers a real event that happend in Germany in the middle of the eighties.

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