博物馆魅影(豆瓣 6.9分

原名:Beyond the Grave




主演:斯薇斯特·L·唐兹尔  马尔科姆·辛克莱  约翰·纳特尔斯  谢丽尔·坎贝尔  丹尼尔·凯西

上映日期:2000-02-05  片长:100分钟   英国  类型:剧情 / 犯罪 / 悬疑



Barnaby and Troy are called in to investigate at the museum in Aspen Tallow when the painting of a local historical figure, Jonathan Lowrie, is slashed. When the museum's curator is subsequently assaulted and Lowrie's direct descendant is murdered, the detectives must unravel another mysterious knot. Barnaby does focus on one important clue, however: a packet of smoked mackerel inadvertently dropped in the cemetery. Meanwhile, they are joined by Nico, Cully's actor boyfriend, who has landed a part in a TV series as a detective sergeant.

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