如果种子不死(豆瓣 7.5分

原名:Dacă bobul nu moare

别名:Daca bobul nu moare / If the Seed Doesn't Die


主演:尤安娜·巴布  穆斯塔法·纳达雷维克  Milenko Pavlov  米洛什·塔纳斯科维奇  Valentin Teodosiu  Franz Buchrieser  丹·康德里奇  亚历山德鲁·波托赛昂  霍拉蒂乌·马拉埃雷

上映日期:2010  片长:1 hour 53 minutes   奥地利 / 罗马尼亚 / 塞尔维亚  类型:剧情 / 喜剧



Two fathers, a Romanian searching for his daughter who was forced into prostitution in Kosovo, and a Serbian seeking the body of his son killed in a car accident in Romania, meet on the river Danube. A boatman recounts the 200 year-old legend of Romanian peasants struggling unsuccessfully to move an old wooden church up the hill to their village at a time when building Orthodox churches was prohibited.

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