血之书(豆瓣 5.5分

原名:Written in Blood



编剧:安东尼·赫洛维兹  卡罗琳·格雷厄姆

主演:安娜·玛西  丹尼尔·凯西  尤娜·斯塔布斯  约翰·纳特尔斯

上映日期:1998-03-22  片长:100分钟   英国  类型:剧情 / 犯罪 / 悬疑



The Midsomer Worthy Writers Circle invites well-known author Max Jennings to one of their monthly meetings. The group's secretary, Gerald Hadleigh is opposed to to the invitation, but is outvoted. It becomes apparent that Jennings and Hadleigh knew one another at one time. When Hadleigh is found dead the next day, Barnaby and Troy begin looking into the backgrounds of the various Circle members and try to locate Jennings. When they do find him he is, as they say, incapable of assisting them with their enquiries. A second murder adds to the puzzle but in the end, the solution rests on learning of long ago events and a hidden family secret. At home, the Barbabys agree to care for daughter Cully's Russian Blue cat Killmouskie, with interesting results for Tom.

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