Jane Doe: Eye of the Beholder(豆瓣 5.4分

原名:Jane Doe: Eye of the Beholder


编剧:Bridget Terry  迪恩·哈格罗夫

主演:杰瑞米·霍华德  艾伦·欧朋海默  朱丽安娜·麦卡蒂  纳塔利娅·努古利奇  乔·佩尼  约翰·弗利克  海蒂·布雷斯  马克·罗斯顿  莉·汤普森  Andrew Lauer  Philip Casnoff  扎克·沙达  威廉姆·R·莫塞斯  伊莲·亨德里克斯  洁西·斯克拉姆

上映日期:2000-01-12  片长:120分钟   其他  类型:剧情



Cathy and Frank partner with a beautiful insurance investigator in the recovery of stolen art. Frank is smitten with her, even though it becomes more apparent she may be the mastermind behind the theft.

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