命运天注定(豆瓣 5.9分

原名:Ek Second... Jo Zindagi Badal De?

主演:杰奇·史洛夫  玛尼沙·柯伊拉拉

上映日期:2010  片长:160 分钟(印度)   印度  类型:惊悚



There is a proverb which says that whatever is written in one’s destiny in some way or the other actually happens. But if we fight against it, and make the incident happen in a different way- then what? This film follows Rashi (Manisha Koirala) A woman who doesn't know what her destiny has written for her. One day she gets fired from her job and now is ready to leave on the next train, but that one second that she has to decide whether to take the train or not to,she choses not to. From then the film follows
        The film is Saroj Entertainment Pvt Ltd first home production.

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