周末故事(豆瓣 5.0分

原名:Skarby ukryte z cyklu 'Opowiesci weekendowe'

别名:Hidden Treasures of the Weekend Stories Cycle / Skarby ukryte / The Hidden Treasure / Weekend Stories: The Hidden Treasure


上映日期:2000  片长:54 分钟   波兰  类型:剧情



Krzysztof Zanussi 监制的电视电影系列《周末故事》(Opowiesci weekendowe,1996-1997),它在精神上与《十诫》相近
        Rose, an older woman living in Paris was born in Poland as a daughter of an aristocratic family. Her family house is now an impoverished home for the old people. Rose visited her property many times since the Berlin Wall collapsed and this time she arranged a meeting with an old palace employee, who earned big money having run a greenhouse business. Nevertheless, it remains a secret where the money to start this business came from. Not having a chance to speak to the employee, Rose meets his granddaughter - Jola - and enjoying her company, invites her to visit Paris. As Jola arrives in Paris, she gets acquainted with a young Arabian with whom she falls in love. Rose is very much by her side. Soon Rose leaves for Poland once again. This time her purpose is to find a chest full of treasures buried by herself deep in the forest soon before the war was over, when she was afraid of property confiscation soon to come...

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