圣马丁将军传(豆瓣 5.2分

原名:El Santo de la espada

别名:The Knight of the Sword


主演:Alfredo Alc??n  Evangelina Salazar  Lautaro Murúa

上映日期:1970  片长:120分钟   阿根廷  类型:剧情 / 历史



El Santo de la Espada (in English, The Saint of the Sword) is a 1970 Argentine historical epic film directed by Leopoldo Torre Nilsson and starring Alfredo Alcón. It narrates the life of José de San Martín. It was written by Beatriz Guido y Luis Pico Estrada, based on the eponymous novel by Ricardo Rojas. The script was supervised by the Sanmartinian National Institute. It had a great success, and it is the most successful movie about "The Emancipator" San Martín, although it received some negative reviews due to historical inaccuracies.

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