药剂师(豆瓣 6.5分

原名:Die Apothekerin

编剧:Ralf Hertwig  Ingrid Noll

上映日期:1997  片长:108 分钟   德国  类型:剧情 / 喜剧 / 犯罪



Hella is around 30 and works in a pharmacy. She is waiting for the right man to step into her life, but as she has a certain affinity for losers, she is kind of disillusionized. When she gets to know Levin, a dentist student who likes cars most, her dreams seem to come true. Levin has a very rich grandfather who likes her at first glance. The old man thinks of changing his last will to the condition that Levin has to marry Hella in order to inherit his fortunes. Like in a fairy-tale the door to a new life opens for Hella, but can she take it?


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