大屠杀(豆瓣 5.1分

原名:The Massacre




主演:爱德华·狄龙  莱昂纳尔·巴里摩尔  Charles West  威尔弗雷德·卢卡斯  布兰彻·斯薇特

上映日期:1912-12-19(英国)  片长:20分钟   美国  类型:短片 / 战争 / 西部



An army scout, Stephen, asks a young woman to marry him, only to discover that she loves another man. Stephen rejoins the army, while the other two get married and have a child. Two years later, the young family heads west as part of a wagon train, while the scout takes part in a brutal raid on an Indian village that leaves the survivors thirsting for revenge. As the wagon train including the young family heads into dangerous country, Stephen is part of the military escort that is assigned to protect it. Not long afterward, when the wagons stop to make camp, Indians stage a carefully planned attack on the camp.

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