赤脚士兵的丧钟(豆瓣 6.3分

原名:Zvony pre bosých

别名:赤脚钟声 / 贝尔的暴露

导演:Stanislav Barabas


主演:夏娃·克尔齐塞夫斯卡  Radovan Lukavský  Ivan Rajniak  Vlado Müller

上映日期:1965  片长:98分钟   捷克  类型:None



A dramatic story from the end of WW II and a remarkable contemplation of the value of true friendship, meaning and purpose of life or the possibility to be human even in inhumane conditions. In a frosty mountain setting a cruel struggle for life takes place. After a fight, two partisans return to their brigade carrying along a young German soldier as a captive. But suddenly, amidst the hopelessness of barren mountains, all protagonists find themselves in a liminal existencial situation.

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