威尼斯商人(豆瓣 8.3分

原名:The Merchant of Venice


主演:Anthony Nicholls  劳伦斯·奥利弗  迈克尔·杰斯顿  琼·普莱怀特  杰瑞米·布雷特

上映日期:1974-02-10  片长:131分钟   英国 / 香港  类型:剧情



Antonio's friend Bassanio is in love and needs money to go courting. Using Antonio as his collateral, he borrows money from Shylock. But when the debt comes due, Shylock demands repayment in the form of a pound of Antonio's flesh. This is a video of the 1970 National Theatre stage production with most of the same cast.

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