他乡邂逅(豆瓣 5.3分

原名:Stuck Between Stations


主演:山姆罗森  佐伊·利斯特·琼斯  纳迪雅·达珍妮  迈克尔·因佩里奥利  乔什·哈奈特

上映日期:2012-03-13(美国)  片长:85分钟   美国  类型:剧情 / 喜剧 / 爱情



        Casper, a soldier home on bereavement leave, gets as second chance to make an impression on his childhood crush Rebecca, a promising grad student whose career hangs by a thread. While they drift through the streets of Minneapolis, they have one night to find themselves falling in love and falling apart.
        A young soldier on leave for 24 hours has a chance run-in with his childhood crush. Growing closer, they have a night they will never forget, knowing they must part ways at dawn.

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