舞动生命(豆瓣 5.2分

原名:Cruzando el límite

别名:Yellow / Lock Up

上映日期:2010-11-12  片长:92分钟   西班牙  类型:惊悚



Luis is the single father of sixteen year old Fran. Father and son are both going through a rough patch. In a desperate attempt to salvage their relationship Luis has taken a dramatic decision: to enroll his son in an “education” center.
        Although Luis believes he is doing the right thing, the truth is he doesn’t know everything he should about the school’s methodology. Outraged by his father’s betrayal, Fran will do his best to show everyone at the school that he is not about to give in. But the school’s specialty is precisely to fight that kind of behavior.
        Outside, Luis can’t help but wondering if he’s done the right thing; inside, Fran is going through a Guantanamo-like experience. Father and son have never been further apart.


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