团结,团结……(豆瓣 6.4分

原名:Solidarność, Solidarność...


上映日期:   波兰  类型:剧情 / 喜剧 / 历史



The original movie prepared by the Polish Television for the celebration of August 80 events. Film consists 13 etudes realized by prominent Polish directors, who share their reflections connected with 25. anniversary of NSZZ "Solidarity". Every etude is the stand-alone artistic statement, different in form and the content. Some have documental character, other are plot based shorts, one is even realized as a video clip. Mockery shuffles with pathos, seriousness with grotesque, nostalgia and emotion with disappointment, sorrow and anger. They present rather bitter view on polish latest history. Distorted ideals, lost heroes, unnecessary symbols - it shouldn't be this way. But though the movement didn't stamped its influence on the society, and young generation think about the "Solidarity" more often in the category of careerists and dirty politics than democracy and justice, it was the time of social unity, hope and belief, which majority of us never before experienced, and probably won't never again.
        Juliusz Machulski - Sushi
        The movie is opened by kept in comedy tone Juliusz Machulski's etude "Sushi". Movie producer Marek (Marek Kondrat) receives the proposal of realizing short film about "Solidarity". He engages his friends (Katarzyna Herman, Robert Więckiewicz) - experts in advertisement to help him. They wonder, what exactly "Solidarity" gave them.
        Andrzej Jakimowski - Bag
        In the second short story, Andrzej Jakimowski's "Bag", in the train, two thieves (Krzysztof Kiersznowski, Rafał Guźniczak) steal a fellow-traveller's (Leszek Żurek) bag. To their disappointment, there are only "Solidarity" leaflets copied on the duplicator in it.
        Jerzy Domaradzki - Blackboards
        Jerzy Domaradzki's document "Boards" tales a history of the boards, on which - with help of two students (Bartek Turzyński, Daniel Zawadzki) - strikers from Danzig's Shipyard made a list of their postulates, and they hung it on a shipyard's gate.
        Jan Jakub Kolski - The Great Bear
        Action of Jan Jakub Kolski's short takes place in the summer of 1980 in Italian Alps. Three young Polish cavers, Janek (Maciej Zakościelny), Rudy (Cezary Łukaszewicz) and Staszek (Eryk Lubos), during exploration of the cave become imprisoned under the ground. While waiting for help, they find out from colleagues about signature of August agreements. It becomes pretext to conversation about socio-political situation in Poland, their hopes and dreams. One of them, student Janek, is the later director of this short.
        Piotr Trzaskalski - Ball pen
        The hero of "Ball pen", Janusz (Waldemar Czyszak), wants to earn on huge, plastic ball pens with pope's picture, however nobody wants to buy them.
        Filip Bajon - Petrol
        In etude "Petrol" in August 1980 two young men: Tomek (Maciej Stuhr) and Filip (Marcin Dorociński) meet in the train going to coast. Both read Tadeusz Konwicki's "Small Apocalypse". Filip transports with him a can of petrol. During a conversation Tomek gets to suspect that his fellow-traveller wants to com

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