头把火(豆瓣 5.7分

原名:Uzavreli grad

别名:Boom Town / The First Fires / 头把火



主演:韦利米尔·巴塔·日沃伊诺维奇  米莲娜·德拉维奇  Ilija Dzuvalekovski

上映日期:1961  片长:114 分钟   南斯拉夫  类型:剧情



This conventional drama by Yugoslavian director Veljko Bulajic (Train Without a Timetable) is strictly for audiences with interests in work crews, industrial endeavors, and all the headaches that come with trying to finish a project on time. At issue is the construction of an enormous blast furnace. The director of the construction is faced with trying to keep his men working productively when each has his own brand of individual problems. Their mini-dramas are intertwined with the director's own problems, though everyone is dedicated enough to work their way through the difficulties and eventually see the blast furnace through to completion -but at a cost.

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