歌中之歌(豆瓣 5.9分

原名:Augstā dziesma

别名:The Song of Songs / 雅歌 / Песнь песней


上映日期:1989  片长:10 分钟   俄罗斯  类型:短片 / 纪录片



Ext. Information : When we were filming with Andris Seleckis "Song" - births in the presence of her husband - then we had three cameras. One shot the baby's appearance, the second - the relationship of husband and wife during childbirth, a third, rapidnaya, rented a "flight" of the infant to the mother's breast. Of course, we did not intervene in the birthing process, but we had a special look. Shaped. After all, the same can be removed and purely informational. For example, as Kosakovsky in "environment": the camera top, raskoryachena woman climbs a child. Like a cat gives birth, and she gives birth. Biological time, with all its details - the umbilical cord and other things. We filmed the act is not biological, and space: output man into space. Nine months, he lived in his "ship", provided everything - food, oxygen, - and now for the first time goes to God's light and flies like Leonov, first man in space. This painting and genera, and about love, men and women, and the phenomenon of man in the world.
        And all of this report: nothing staged here. Yes, and as such it is possible to stage? If a feature film to be artistic actors, the documentary film to be artistic and operator, and the director: they need to capture life as a miracle. While at the same time, the camera could be removed and the work of midwives: they, too, in this event is very actively involved. We do not, because we filmed is not a training film for future gynecologists, and philosophical parable. We even tile hospital ward is not visible, he deliberately peresvechen.

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