战争(豆瓣 6.3分

原名:The Battle


主演:布兰彻·斯薇特  罗伯特·哈伦  克里斯蒂·卡本纳  斯波蒂斯伍德·艾特肯  唐纳德·克里斯普  Guy Hedlund  戴尔·亨德森  埃德温·奥古斯特  凯特·布鲁斯  莱昂纳尔·巴里摩尔

上映日期:1911-11-06(美国)  片长:19 分钟(16 fps)   美国  类型:剧情 / 短片 / 动作



Even before the "The Birth Of A Nation", Griffith had a reputation for being creative, imaginative and stubborn. Conflicts with Biograph management were common place. "The Battle" featured a large cast, elaborate costumes and expensive production elements. A civil war battle is seen raging. "The Boy" is stricken by cowardice and seeks concealment from "The Girl". She appears unconcerned that her house is in the midst of a raging gunfight and throws him out! Circumstance and the long arm of coincidence help turn "The Boy" into the hero of the day when he helps an ammunition wagon get through the Southern lines.

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