交会点(豆瓣 7.8分

原名:Sabirni centar

别名:The Meeting Point / 交会点



主演:波格丹·迪格里克  拉德·马尔科维奇  德拉甘·尼柯立克

上映日期:1989  片长:98分钟   南斯拉夫  类型:剧情 / 喜剧 / 奇幻



This is a great movie. See why the dead can't find peace, because of us the alive. It is hard to see greatness of this film if you don't understand Serbian. Movie starts when professor Misa find the one thing what he was searching all his life-the passage. Soon after, he dies. The dead in their world, are one by one disappointed by things that happened in the world of a living. And when the professor Misa who died recently find out what is happening in the world of a living by his pupil who committed suicide after Misa's death, he find the passage similar to one on earth. The dead go on a journey to correct the things.

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