大一(豆瓣 7.4分


别名:The Year We Were Young

导演:梁君健  张琳

上映日期:2009-01-07   内地  类型:None



        This is the story of a group of young people, for the first time leaving home, in their first year of college.
        In China, due to pressures of the National College Entrance Examination, the enjoyable time of youth often begins from campus life. This film tracks a group of young Chinese people and shows their experiences during their first year in Tsinghua university. It studies how school rituals and social life changes and shapes them, and their own ideas and culture they develop in this situation. It also shows, from their point of view, the popular culture amongst young Chinese people nowadays.
        Tsinghua University is one of the best universities in China, and for a long period her aim is to foster many political, economic and academic elites.

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