Historias cruzadas(豆瓣 6.0分

原名:Historias cruzadas

别名:Crossed Stories

上映日期:2008   巴西  类型:None



巴西女导演Alice de Andrade用16豪米家庭影像追忆自己的父亲 - 巴西新浪潮电影大师Joaquim Pedro de Andrade (1932-1988)的一生,和他与GLAUBER ROCHA深厚的友情。影片充满着浓烈的纪念和怀旧之情。
        The recent rerelease of the films made by Joaquim Pedro de Andrade (1932-1988), the late Brazilian filmmaker whose career included from documentaries - such as "The Master of Apicucos" (1959) on the writer Gilberto Freyre and "Garrincha - Joy of the People (1962) - to emblematic fiction films on the Brazilian identity i.e. "Macunaíma" (1969), has allowed the rediscovery of a key Cinema Novo figure. Joaquim's elder daughter, Alice de Andrade, directs this documentary on her father and revisits her family's memories. In this intimate investigation, one can recognize an oeuvre that is deeply rooted in critical events and personalities of Brazil, whose history was changed forever by the opposition to the brutal military dictatorship.

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