坚定的锡兵(豆瓣 8.6分

原名:Den standhaftige tinnsoldat

别名:The Steadfast Tin Soldier


编剧:伊佛·卡普里诺  安徒生

上映日期:1955-04-02(丹麦)  片长:13分钟   加拿大 / 挪威  类型:短片 / 动画 / 家庭



"Den Standhaftige tinnsoldat" is yet another of Ivo Caprino`s classic short-films, but this one is different from the others. Most of his other films are based on Norwegian fairytales, but this one is based on a fairytale written by H. C. Andersen, who was a famous Danish writer. "Den Standhaftige Tinnsoldat" proves to be in the same league as "Gutten som kappåt med trollet", "Den Sjuende Far i Huset" and "Askeladdens Gode Hjelpere". The movie is about the adventures of a tin soldier with one leg, and it follows the fairytale very closely, which is a nice thing

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