Falsa Loura(豆瓣 5.6分

原名:Falsa Loura

别名:Fake Blond

导演:Carlos Reichenbach

编剧:Carlos Reichenbach

主演:卡瓦·雷蒙德  Rosane Mulholland

上映日期:2007  片长:105 分钟 / Germany: 105 分钟   其他  类型:剧情



Silmara, an industrial worker and a woman of exuberant beauty, supports her arsonist father and gets involved with two different pop stars, from whom she learns traumatic life lessons. In Sao Paulo, the gorgeous and sexy worker Silmara (Rosane Mulholland) is a witty and smart leader of her colleagues and friends in the factory where she works. She proudly support her unemployed father Antero (Joao Bourbonnais), who is an arsonist that can not find a job since he has been released from the prison, with her honest hard work. After hours, Silmara lives a world of fantasy where she rules her friends and worships the pop singer Bruno (Caua Reymond) and the romantic Lu??s Ronaldo (Maur??cio Mattar). When Antero finds a job with the powerful lawyer Dr. Vargas (Bruno de Andr??), he gives some money to Silmara for spending in the concert of Bruno in the Clube Alvorada. Silmara goes with her friends, meeting Bruno after the show. They have one night stand and Bruno invites her to travel with the band for a show in Itanha??m; meanwhile her father travels to Sao Jos?? dos Campos to work as gardener. When Silmara watch on TV about a malicious burning of a property, Silmara travels back home and finds the police chasing her father. Then she is invited for an escort service with Luis Ronaldo.
        The kitsch "Falsa Loura" works mostly because of the sexy Rosane Mulholland that gives a magnificent personification and interpretation of the lead character, a worker during the day and a tacky but sexy and morally ambiguous woman during the night, living a fake world like the color of her hair. Carlos Reichenbach seems to satirize the Cinderella fairytale or "Pretty Woman" with this ironic tale of a young woman that finds her prince charming twice and is treated like a whore in the end. This sensual movie is entertaining and Rosane Mulholland is indeed a very beautiful woman.

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