无名星(豆瓣 5.9分

原名:Безымянная звезда

别名:Bezymyannaya zvezda / The Star Without a Name / Nameless star


主演:斯韦特兰娜·克留奇科娃  米哈伊尔·科扎科夫  伊戈尔·柯斯托列夫斯基  Aleksandr Pyatkov  Mikhail Svetin  安娜斯塔西亚·维尔金斯卡娅  Alla Budnitskaya

上映日期:1979-02-17(苏联)  片长:140   俄罗斯  类型:剧情 / 喜剧 / 爱情



"Stars never leave their orbits". The poor astronomy teacher got one more demonstration of this law when he met HER. SHE was "from the another world". SHE was strange and inappropriate in his tiny calm town. Town with slough-like life and citizens who spent all their time gossiping. Once he almost started to believe that the miracle is possible... but "the stars never leave their orbits".

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