阿尔卑斯山上的人们(豆瓣 5.6分

原名:Emberek a havason

别名:People on the Alps / Men on the Mountain

主演:József Bihari  Lenke Egyed

上映日期:  片长:88 分钟   匈牙利  类型:剧情



Sometimes (rarely) a movie starts on TV which I have no intention of watching, but which I find myself drawn to. I pause and, contrary to intent, keep watching. I was walking past the TV when I saw the opening (title) shot, and I could not help but stop. Slowly, I was drawn in. Of course the cinematography is absolutely gorgeous. But the pace of the film, its view of Nature, and its appreciation of a simple life, are attractive as well. The first twenty minutes or so are truly hypnotic! Just watching the couple and their child walk through the forest is mesmerizing. The latter half of the film, however, I was not that fond of. But then I guess the film needed some dramatic tension.

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