墨东绮谭(豆瓣 8.4分


别名:The Twilight Story / Bokuto kidan

编剧:八住利雄  永井荷风

主演:乙羽信子  山本富士子  新珠三千代

上映日期:1960-08-28  片长:150 分钟   日本  类型:剧情



        A village girl goes to Tokyo and becomes a hooker to support her ailing mother. While there she meets an unmarried teacher (at least he says he's unmarried) and falls in love. When she learns that he lied and is married to a woman whose child was fathered by another man, she is crushed. He returns to his wife. The woman becomes more distraught when she learns her uncle has misused the money she has sent. As the final straw, her mother dies, and the girl becomes sick.

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