秋缠断肠记(豆瓣 7.4分

原名:Penny Serenade

别名:月夜情歌 / 断肠记 / 金钱小夜曲


编剧:Martha Cheavens  莫里·里斯金德

主演:比尤拉·邦蒂  加里·格兰特  艾琳·邓恩

上映日期:1941-04-24(美国)  片长:119分钟   美国  类型:剧情 / 爱情



When a newspaper man falls for a record store sales girl, their whirlwind courtship does not prepare him for a life of laughter, romance and tragedy. He must learn the value of true love, or face failure like he's never known. Academy Award Nominations: Best Actor--Cary Grant.

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