列宁在波兰(豆瓣 6.1分

原名:Ленин в Польше

别名:列宁在波兰 / Lenin v Polshe


编剧:谢尔盖·尤特凯维奇  叶夫根·加布里洛维奇

主演:Maksim Shtraukh

上映日期:1966-04-21  片长:98 分钟   俄罗斯 / 波兰  类型:剧情 / 历史



The life of the great Bolshevik leader before the Russian revolution is chronicled in this bio-pic. Much of the tale centers on his exile in Poland where Lenin becomes friends with two peasants. The little girl has a strong belief in the nationalist cause. Later Lenin hears she was killed for withholding information about him.

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