行刑手(豆瓣 5.9分

原名:Majster kat

别名:The Hangman

主演:Stefan Kvietik  Ivan Krivosudsky  Ondrej Jariabek  Peter Debnar  Frantisek Dibarbora  Olga Adamcíková  Jozef Adamovic  Samuel Adamcík  Jozef Budský  Vlado Müller  艾米丽娅·瓦萨约娃  Eduard Bindas

上映日期:1966-09-02(捷克斯洛伐克)  片长:Czechoslovakia: 106 分钟   捷克  类型:剧情



Set in an imaginary Central European town under Turkish control about 300 years ago, this film tells the story of two friends - fisherman Richardus (Stefan Kvietik) and executioner Emil (Vlado Muller). They are proud, defiant men, with Janosik blood flowing through their veins. Their inherent rebelliousness, manifesting itself daily in these times of Turkish subjugation, brings the two allies even closer together.

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