遗产(豆瓣 8.2分

原名:The Legacy

别名:Alfred Hitchcock Presents: The Legacy / 遗产


上映日期:1956-05-27  片长:30分钟   美国  类型:剧情 / 犯罪 / 悬疑



A well-known author is visiting Palm Beach, and he meets some old friends. He tells them that he will be writing his next book about Prince Burhan, a noted playboy from India, who will be arriving that evening. Also staying at the resort are Howard and Irene Cole. Howard spends most of his time with a young actress, and the others are baffled by Irene's tolerance. When the prince arrives, he surprises everyone by spending all of his time with the plain-looking Irene, and by insisting that he is in love with her. Before long, Prince Burhan tells Irene that if she does not divorce Howard in order to marry him, he will kill himself.

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