黑夜陌生人(豆瓣 5.2分

原名:Stranger by Night


编剧:Daryl Haney

主演:威廉姆·卡特  斯蒂文·鲍尔  詹妮弗·鲁宾

上映日期:1994-11-23  片长:91 分钟   美国  类型:惊悚



Detective Bobby Corcoran (Steven Bauer) and his partner, Detective Larson (Michael Parks), are on the hunt for a vicious serial killer in this tense police thriller. As the murderous villain stalks the city streets leaving carnage in his wake, Corcoran begins to experience blackouts and sudden fits of anger. As the detectives pursue the case, they uncover evidence suggesting that one of them may be responsible for the mysterious deaths.

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