蜜月往事(豆瓣 5.8分

原名:Once Upon a Honeymoon



编剧:Sheridan Gibney

主演:金吉·罗杰斯  沃尔特·斯勒扎克  加里·格兰特

上映日期:1942-11-27  片长:117分钟   美国  类型:喜剧 / 爱情 / 悬疑



At the start of WWII, Katie O'Hara, an American burlesque girl intent on social climbing, marries Austrian Baron Von Luber. Pat O'Toole, an American radio reporter, sees this as a chance to investigate Von Luber, who is suspected of having Nazi ties. As country after country falls to the Nazis, O'Tool follows O'Hara across Europe. At first he is after a story, but he gradually falls in love with her. When she learns that her husband is indeed a Nazi, O'Hara fakes her death and runs off with O'Toole. In Paris, she is recruited to spy for the allies; he uses a radio broadcast to make Von Luber and the Nazis look like fools.

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